Compliance Information

Our Compliance Information is found on this page. You can read about our registration with our supervising body, which is the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. On this page we share details about our Professional Indemnity Insurance (does your current accountant have PII?) and who we are currently insured with. Finally, we disclose what our Companies House regulatory information is.

Aysgarth Accountants Limited t/a Aysgarth Chartered Accountants

We are registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and our registration number is C003152960.

It is important that you use a qualified accountant who is up to date on accounting standards, tax and VAT rules. To show we believe this we are a member firm of the ICAEW. They are our supervising body. We therefore have to follow their rules and ethical guidelines, which includes keeping our staff up to date. 

Compliance Information


The Provision of Services Regulations 2009

Aysgarth Chartered Accountants is registered with the ICAEW and we therefore have to have Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII).

Our professional indemnity insurer is Allianz Insurance Plc, who can be contacted at 57 Ladymead, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1DB, United Kingdom. The territorial coverage of our PII is worldwide excluding professional business carried out from an office in the United States of America or Canada.

Statutory information

Our company number is 07966484 and our registered office address is Suite 3b, Kings House, 1 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HH. We are registered in England and Wales.

Find out more about us.