What is Cloud Accounting?
On this website we go on about Cloud Accounting, which is where you access your accounting information securely over the internet. And yes your data is safe and secure. We are used to accessing our bank accounts over the internet and there is no fundamental difference when it comes to Cloud Accounting Apps.
There are many benefits of going with a cloud based application.
We can access live data, so when you call us we can log on to your accounts and discuss matters with you whilst reviewing live data.
You are always using the up to date version of the package – there is no having to pay extra for upgrades or having a different version to your accountant.
When the year end accounts are being prepared there is no need to wait for the list of journals to put on the accounts or suspending bookkeeping while we use the live data.
You can access the data anywhere in the world – including on handheld devices.
You do not get charged for the number of users but simply to access the online package.
How easy are they to use?
Even for someone with very little accounting knowledge they are very easy and intuitive, however most accountants will help you to get used to the package or the Apps usually have good support desks and help manuals.
What cloud providers would you recommend?
Xero is our favourite, we love the look and feel of it, but KashFlow is good and improving all the time. A lot of contractors like FreeAgent but from an accountant’s viewpoint we aren’t as impressed but we happily work with clients who love FreeAgent.
SME accounting solution.
Cloud Accounting Apps offer a straightforward accounting solution to SMEs which is so much better than spreadsheets or manual records. Invoices and statements can be emailed out to customers. Bank transactions can be automatically fed into your accounting software – every morning our bank transactions just appear waiting to be reconciled. You can scan every receipt and invoice and link it to the accounting transaction – as an accountant we love that, no need to ask our clients a question about the transactions, if we need to know more information the answer is just a click away!
Cloud Accounting: Why Should I Move to the Cloud? Why wouldn’t you want to! If you want to know more please get in touch.